Lucas Timmons

Lucas Timmons


  • Position: Head of D3
  • Employer: The Canadian Press


I lead a team of developers and journalists in an effort to automate digital, print and graphical news stories. We're going to automate Canada's news industry. It's time to let computers do the tedious work and let humans get on with writing stories that computers can not. We use a combination of bespoke code, AI tools and Machine Learning to create new products and news stories from structured data sets. We are working on streamlining the ingestion of data from a variety of sources into useful databases with API endpoints. We then use that data and those APIs to create SASS tools that are used internally at The Canadian Press for our own journalism and externally for a variety of news and non-media clients. Before doing that, I built all the election maps and interactive graphics that CP produced between 2015 and 2020. I also developed iOS & Android apps, taught university journalism courses and worked as a data reporter.